ICC G4-2018 Guideline for Commissioning

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The purpose and scope of this guideline are to provide guidance so that an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) can competently implement commissioning with the code official, registered design professional in responsible charge, engineer of record or an independent third-party acting as the approved agency. The guideline specifically addresses items related to the stated goals and criteria (implementation and enforcement). While this guideline is not written in enforceable language, it could be adopted in whole or in part. This guideline was designed to support the adoption and application of the International Green Construction Code® (IgCC®) and ICC 700, as well as regional green building codes such as CALGreen.

More Information
Description: Links

Front Matter (Title Page, TOC, Preface and Forward)

Sample pages

Language English
ISBN 978-1-60983-868-3
Publisher ICC
Code Year 2018
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