Applying the Codes to Cannabis Facilities
The legalization in some states of recreational cannabis sales to the public began a new industry. Many building departments are struggling with how to address this influx of business and the amount of permit requests for grow facilities, extraction facilities, dispensaries and other related uses. ICC and author Steve Thomas, CBO, developed this insightful guide to help the code official understand how the codes are applied to these facilities.
This full-color guide discusses: types of facilities; code requirements for building, fire, mechanical, plumbing, energy, and electrical systems; and facilities in single-family dwellings. It takes the reader through the process of how cannabis is grown, cultivated and processed to better understand how the codes are applied. It provides a foundation of how to enforce the codes and includes a checklist of items to consider when dealing with cannabis facilities. As the industry continues to evolve, this guide will provide the necessary background to evaluate the issues and then apply the codes appropriately.