Plumbing Pipe Sizing: Why Is It Important? (Online Live)

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Format: Online Live
Duration: 1.50
This free Learn Live event is sponsored by the ICC PMG Resources Group. Modern building supply and drainage piping systems are sized based on research conducted by Dr. Roy B. Hunter in the 1930s on behalf of the National Bureau of Standards (which became the National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST in 1988). This research was conducted well before the introduction of efficient plumbing fixtures, resulting in plumbing systems being grossly oversized. Oversized plumbing systems are associated with increased energy consumption, inflated construction costs, degradation of systems, and elevated levels of pathogen development in piping networks. In this webinar, you will learn what the International Code Council (ICC) and University of Miami are doing to develop new methodologies to properly size plumbing systems, and why their efforts are so important in creating a consensus standard to protect public health and address water scarcity issues worldwide.

Time Zones: Classes may be noted in a time zone different than yours, please take note of the time zone and how it may impact the start time in your area.

More Information
  • Identify the history of plumbing pipe sizing.
  • Identify the different plumbing pipe sizing methods.
  • Identify the issues associated with oversized plumbing piping.
  • Discuss the steps that ICC and University of Miami are undertaking to standardize properly sized plumbing systems on the global stage.
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