2015 International Fire Code®

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Item #: 3400SPR15


The IFC contains regulations to safeguard life and property from fires and explosion hazards. Topics include general precautions, emergency planning and preparedness, fire department access and water supplies, automatic sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, special hazards, and the storage and use of hazardous materials. For the most current adoptions details go to International Code Adoptions

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Front Matter (Title Page, TOC, Preface and Forward)

Referenced Standards


The 2015 IFC® contains many important changes including:

  • Crowd manager provisions have been added to the code which require the manager to be trained and their responsibilities defined. (Section 403.12.3; F24 and 25 -13)
  • Emergency power system and generator provisions have been revised to include load transfer criteria, load duration and uninterruptable power sources where required by the manufacturer’s instructions. (Section 604.1; F53-13)
  • Carbon monoxide detection provisions were updated to include requirements for detectors in Group E occupancies based on numerous reports of CO incidents in schools from 2005 through 2012. The provisions were also relocated from the emergency alarm section to a stand-alone section. (Section 915; F180, F182 and F360-13)
  • In sprinklered existing buildings, the fire safety requirements have been revised to allow previously fire resistance rated elements which are no longer required to be rated under the current code to no longer have to be maintained as rated assemblies, subject to approval of the code official. (Section 1103; F212-13 Part I and EB26-13)
  • New minimum provisions for construction in existing hospitals have been added in order to raise the level of life safety for buildings that may not have been built under contemporary codes. These provisions are intended to be correlated with the federal requirements for such facilities. (Section 1105; F236 – F241 and F243-13)

Pages 586
Language English
Publisher ICC
Code Year 2015

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